Christmas Nativity

There was no better way to celebrate Christmas and the progress of our restoration work upstairs than by telling of the true meaning behind Christmas, Jesus and the promise his birth was for all of us. "Shep", the Original Sheepdog (played by Tom) from the shephards at the time was our narrator and journeyed the young cast and audience through the story. Charlotte, our Instructor kept the young people in time and for those tricky lines to remember.

A very big thank you to everyone involved in the play, from those leading up to and preparation of, the cast and crew, who all had a blast and each member of our audiences. Special thanks to Edith, our dynamic Director, who also made all our costumes, which is even more special when you know she is 85 and legally blind.

Jill, Anna & Ifeoma made all the costume changes seem so smooth to the outside observer but they were really under the pump with the young people and timing for the scenes. Our beautiful musicians Janice on vocals and Ngaire on keyboard and vocals, just made the event with interactive carols for all involved.

Please enjoy the photos of the event and watch this space for more presentations with young people.