New Home New Connections: Relationships break through every time

The new building now sees many programs and connection points coming together. Relationships with individuals and families are growing. We learn more about the young people we connect with, their stories and the struggles their families are facing every day. 


Recently we were asked by a parent of a family we help, if we could pray for them collectively as a family via text before they arrived that day, as they were struggling. 

Walking into the room the weight they were carrying was palpable, sadness was leaking from their eyes. In a quiet moment we asked if they wanted us to pray for them or pray with them. “With us please”. 


Huddling together, the parent shared their struggles right now and expressing their gratefulness for the support we’ve given their family. A few of the children were so sad they were crying. My heart broke at such heavy burdens for little lives. Before I prayed, I told them how precious each one of them were, how much we enjoy getting to know them, they were welcome here and they were like family now. During prayer you could feel the burdens being lifted by our creator. Smiles started to appear. 


Afterwards, collectively we moved to the craft activity they were helping us with. Hot chocolates, sausage rolls & party pies, craft, movies and laughter ensued for the next 3 hours. The volunteer helping that morning (not knowing what had happened earlier) silently gestured to the group engaged in the craft, chatting, and laughing and mouthed “This is really special” I nodded my agreement, if she only knew just how special it truly was to see the change prayer brought in that moment. 


One of the children had been struggling with engaging within a program, often exhibited challenging behaviours and voicing “I didn’t sign up for this”. His behaviour resulted previously being excluded from programs or told to leave. Rejection was very real for him. However, actions have consequences and we asked him not to come for a week just before school holidays. 


We told him we loved having him there, and when he chose to engage he did well, however the behaviour disrupted others and there had to be a consequence. As he’d told us he didn’t choose to be there, we’d let him take this week and the holidays to consider returning or not, it was his choice. If he chose to return, the expectations were fully explained. It was important that he take ownership of his decision and not feel rejected again. 


A nervous three week wait ensued, what was he going to choose? First day back he boldly walked into the room, smiling “Did you think I was coming back?”  We were ecstatic at his return but truthfully answered “We really weren’t sure what you were going to choose, but we are so very excited you came back. You are then agreeing to be properly in the program and behave?” He nodded and then filled us and the other participants in on his holidays. 


I came alongside him, helping to get him started, refreshing him on what to do. He stopped and looked up at me with and said “Thank you for praying for me before” I replied “You are very welcome. Did it help?” He nodded and said, “Yes it did, a lot.” I asked him if he’d prayed himself since then. “Ummmmm…not really” he said. “That’s ok, you know you can if you ever need to?” “Yep, I know” and then the moment was over, and he dived into the session. 


It’s still challenging for this young man, in fact for all our young people, they’ve got big stuff happening in their lives. Our little friend when challenged by something grumbles, “I don’t know why I chose to come back” but we smile and say “Well you did. It’s hard, we know, it’s hard for a reason it’s helping you, but you’ve had hard before and you got through it, you can do the same again” and then he does just that!