Art impacts lives in powerful ways

Our Meaningful Arts, an Art Therapy program for young people, has continued this year under the significant expertise of Anna and her team. Sara has continued to support and we are excited to welcome Laura to the team as she is studying Art Therapy this year. Her participation within the program allows her real-life experience in her studies but also to grow herself within her time with us. These ladies generously donate their time to support young people every week.

The group continues to meet on Thursday afternoons from 3.45pm - 5.15pm in The Upper Room. Each week there are different mediums used in a creative way to explore what is going on for the participants in the group. Sometimes big things are shared amongst the group as the young people have developed significant trust and feel safe within the space the team has created. Through their art they process challenges, explore choices and consequences, express emotions and develop processes or tools to build resilience in their lives. Many times the group itself helps the individual, at times wrapping around the one hurting in encouragement, being present, supportive, silence when needed, acknowledgment of pain and laughter too.

Art is a powerful way to express oneself, for many of our young people, they have been hurt or signifianctly let down when they have done so, or have been so terribly scared to open up about things that have happened to them or their thoughts for fear of judgment. Anna and her teams support is making big positive changes in these young lives.

From the sidelines I’ve observed changes in how several of the young people hold themselves when they arrive, once they never interacted with anyone, head down, eyes fixed on the floor and they left the same way too. Now I note, there are many that stop for a quick chat on the way in, asking how our day was, sharing about their day, both the good and the bad, very different to their initial time with us. Growth is happening within these young lives and it’s beautiful to witness. One is even connecting and training within our Hope Cafe now, part of a team and growing more and more. I look forward to witnessing more change and growth within these young peoples life journey’s.

As we head into School holidays the participants will take a break and return next term. Some have gained all they feel they want to from the program for now and so we do have some places for new particpants within this program. There is no cost, no need to have artistic skills, just show up each Thursday and soak in the group and journey. If you know a young person 13-19yo that may be struggling in life, school, relationships or any area really then this may be of assistance to them.

To find out more please connect with Anna via you can check out our website for more information here and there is an online enquiry form you can complete there.

If you believe this is a program that you would like to support please connect with me via email or if you would like to contribute to this program with a financial tax deductible donation you can do so via PayPal here.