"I am capable of more than I previously believed" Hope Cafe Story

Hope Cafe is now moving into its 7th month since opening. It has been a significant learning curve for us as an organisation and a completely new type of business to experience and develop. In all honesty we are still learning and working hard to improve delivery of service times and what sweets and dishes to have. Then there’s bringing balance to income and expenses from a financial perspective and with God this will happen, however the impacts that are being made through this ministry in lives is absolutely awesome.

Watching and working alongside young people within this environment is an absolute encouragement, that this is what we need to persist with, little things are big things in the lives of some of our young people within this setting. Talking to customers, making eye contact, learning to take an order with multiple components, cleaning up, presentation awareness, these have been areas of significant challenge for many. If you have not visited our cafe yet it is a very small space, we are on display at all times to our customers, there’s no where to disappear. Within a relatively short period of time personal perception of ability is being broken down and they are glimpsing the real internal strengths within.

Making a chunk of our products now is a great boost as the young people learn how to cook and present these offerings too. Ensuring we know exactly what is in the delicious food and providing Gluten Free options too.

I asked one of the young people that had been within the cafe if they would answer a few questions from their experience and they agreed, so below are their insights. This young person has come from a very isolated existance for many years not leaving home and to see how they have broken out has been a miracle in itself. Please read below:

How did you connect with Teen Challenge and learn about the Hope Cafe training program?

“I was brought to the cafe by my friend T who I had met recently through church. I met Tanya and was introduced to the Cafe and Thrift store, and several other parts of Teen Challenge Tasmania.”

What has it been like being part of the cafe?

“It has been a rewarding but also stressful time. It has allowed me to explore my understanding of teamwork, and interact with many new people through customer service. It has allowed me to grow but also show me some of my shortcomings. It has also assisted me on my walk with God.”

Any memorable moments?

“Making my first coffees has been exciting but very nerve racking. The time the power went out when we were training is something I will never forget.”

What have you learnt about yourself through the program?

“That I am capable of more than I previously believed. As I have never had a job before, I am glad to know I can handle working even if I am uncertain and slow at times.”

What are your hopes and goals for the future, if you know?

“To continue working and volunteering while I finish getting my licence and to eventually find a full-time job.”

If you were talking to someone interested in joining the cafe training program what would you say to them to describe the experience?

“I would say learning how to work in a kitchen is a very transferable skill, not only for work but for life. The crew are a kind and helpful bunch who have all learnt many things on the job too so when assistance is needed, we can relate to our experience to help.”

We praise God for the growth we are seeing within our young people in this environment every day. If you know a young person that you believe may be interested in learning more within the hospitality industry in a safe, welcoming environment then please let Tom know in the cafe our number is 0475 628 735 or just bring them in.

Please support our young people and help this grow, if you’ve got a meeting in the city make the Hope Cafe where you have it, catch up with friends and chill out in the very comfy seats. The Coffee is seriously delicious and with warmer weather coming our Sundaes, old fashioned Milkshakes, Italian Soda’s and Spiders are a must have experience with family, even grab one of the games here and extend your visit with a game of Spot it, Cards, Barrell of Monkeys and more.

90 St John Street, Launceston, close to the Mall open Monday to Saturdays 8am - 4pm and Sundays 8am - 2pm. Breakfasts, Brunches, Lunches and Snacks available.