"I remember you came to our school"

It’s about 2 in the afternoon, I’ve hidden myself away in my office, hoping to finish some well overdue work, secretly knowing the likelihood of not being interrupted very remote, when there’s a knock on my door. A young man enters who we’ve known since grade 7 from our mentoring program now 20yrs and training in our Hope Cafe to gain experience in hospitality.

I’m enveloped in a big hug and he shares his day in the hospitality course he’s been doing and then says he’s brought someone in to see me. They too would like to be involved in training in the cafe. To be honest I look at the unfinished work on my desk and I gently try to deflect him to speak to Tom in the cafe. He says he has already done that but this person really wants to talk to me personally.

Inwardly taking a deep breath, promising the work I’ll be back, I follow him out to the cafe. I’m introduced to a young lady in heavy eye makeup, surrounding eyes far older than her age, dressed in edgy street wear and am greeted with the biggest smile that lights her face up.

We sit down in the cafe and start chatting, she tells me about herself and her past and she repeatedly says she has met me before. Troubled that I should know her, we keep chatting whilst I scan my brain for the connection. Then she mentions NotEvenOnce, our Alcohol & other Drug education program. I ask her if she saw us present at her school?

“You used to come to our school each year with our Mental health day. I would come to your stand and do the quizzes and the games” she explains “What you do is so important. Kids need to know what you’re teaching, about what can happen and how it effects you.”

She pauses for a moment, looking away and turning back to me, eyes brimming with tears “When I left school at 16, I headed down the wrong path and I went deep, but I would remember some of the things you talked to me about, until one day I knew I had to change.” she explains through her emotions “ I’m ok now, I’ve been out of it for over a year now. I’d like to be involved in the cafe and maybe if there’s other young people that are struggling I can talk to them about the truth of what it’s like. There’s nothing good about drugs. You can’t stop what you do, they need to know”

We talk for a while and I’m glad I left that work behind, this was what is important, relationships and time spent with our young people. This lovely young lady commenced training in the cafe a few months ago and I’m really pleased to tell you that she now has a job in hospitality. Yet another important step in her life path achieved. A privilege to witness.

NotEvenOnce has now been delivered to 117,562 young people all around Australia. Delivering the latest scientific and medical information on impacts of Alcohol, other drugs and delivery devices like Vapes. Intertwined throughout with our experience of working with families and individuals impacted by addiction and the drug world and vital information on having conversations with loved ones struggling and personal steps to take to exit and gain help.

It is important work and vital information. This was such a blessing to hear from someone that has been impacted by our work, truly renews our passion to continue connections with the next generation in this field.

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